ReploidBill and ProtoGuy went to Wizard World and you get to enjoy the drive and event night with them.
This is Fandom Knight in our free time. Whether it be movies, manga, comics, games, or pretty much anything. We'll cover it all right here.
ReploidBill and ProtoGuy went to Wizard World and you get to enjoy the drive and event night with them.
Time once again to talk about us! This time we question whether Shane can watch all of Star Wars in a mere 5 days, Seth opens up his Star Wars holiday crate, and we discuss what the hell Marvel has done to Spider-man as well as Battle World and the all new all different Marvel.
Seth 'Sario' Lovell is mad. Wanna know why? Stay tuned..
With the death of Leonard Nemoy, we felt it only right to give you a list of some of the very best episodes of Star Trek that he was in. Live long.. and prosper.
Time for another What's Up! Today we answer some of your e-mails!