It's time for the Fandom Knights to cover our first Star Trek topic and I have started us in a place people wouldn't expect. We start off in DS9 with the Defiant Class Starship.
This is Fandom Knight in our free time. Whether it be movies, manga, comics, games, or pretty much anything. We'll cover it all right here.
It's time for the Fandom Knights to cover our first Star Trek topic and I have started us in a place people wouldn't expect. We start off in DS9 with the Defiant Class Starship.
Hey guys and gals. We've been gone for a while now, but this is an update as to the reason why this has happened. Give it a listen, or don't. I say to, but that's just me, cause I put some work into this one.
Bill decides to test out some live streaming for a episode of What's Up. He's joined by Seth, a returning Kevin, and later by Scott. They discuss some goings on, along with chatter among the pages of our facebook community.
With Shane back we do a bit of catching up. Then we hop over to the facebook pages to see what's up among the community.
Seth explains why episode 47 no longer works, Scott talks Power Rangers news, and Bill(yes, he is back!) discusses toy sales(with some PoV's from Mr. and Mrs. DisembodiedVoice).